Paxos vs. Quorum-based Consistency

Paxos, is the famous synonym for consistency in the context of distributed system. Unfortunately, consistency alone, is such an overloaded term, it's often practically meaningless. In this post, I will explain the difference between Paxos-consistency vs. quorum-consistency. I assume you know what Paxos is and what problem it solves. If…

Paxos Commit with Constraints

Correction: The following description of Paxos Commit is inaccurate. The algorithm is still correct but it's not the same Paxos Commit proposed in the paper. 4/25/2021. Lamport proposed Paxos Commit [] algorithm as an alternative to 2PC for achieving Transaction Commit. It's…

Understanding Paxos as a Read-modify-write Transaction

Paxos in one hand is very concise. It fits in a single slide. Paxos algorithm ( the other hand, Paxos is notoriously hard to apprehend. In this post, I will explain Paxos as a read-modify-write transaction, which is much more intuitive in my opinion. TL;…

Discover Paxos via 2pc

2pc and Paxos are solving the same problem Two Phase Commit, a.k.a 2pc, is a very well-known and intuitive algorithm, often used for coordinating transactions. Paxos is a well-known consensus algorithm, often used for replication on a stateful service. Paxos is less intuitive and harder to grasp. Atomic…

Paxos at its heart is very simple

The Paxos algorithm, when presented in plain English, is very simple. -- Leslie Lamport 2001 [1] I am going to try explain the single decree Paxos in a way, hopefully, that's easy to understand. To this day, IMO, John Ousterhout's lecture on Paxos is still THE BEST out there. The…